How To Reinforce and Strengthen Your Fabric For Upholstery
Fabric Backing and Finishing Using COM (Customer’s Own Materials) Most fabrics need to be reinforced or strengthened in order to be...

Elegant Fabric Covered Spray Atomizers Utilize FabBond® Layer Bonding
These spray atomizers are given a unique look by wrapping them in fabric, but the finished products were unacceptable due to wrinkles caused

FabBond® Layer Bonding Creates Crisp, Resilient Costume Fabric for The Radio City Rockettes
SUMMARY: The Radio City Rockettes needed special costume fabric for their wooden soldier costumes to be used in their Christmas...

Laminating Silicone Rubber and Poly Plastic for Airtight Enclosures
A client recently asked, “Can you make zippered bags out of our rubber material that will be airtight and Watertight"?

FabBond® - Bonded Embroidered Appliques on Winter Jackets
This week, we received a special project from one of our neighbors involving embroidered appliques and winter jackets. FabBond® is the...

FabBond® (substrate lamination) on Sunbrella Fabric for Outdoor Pool Tables
We received Sunbrella fabric that required FabBond®, which is layered bonding of two or more layers of materials, that is going to be...

FabWall® - Cover your walls with beautiful embroidered fabrics.
We received this beautiful embroidered fabric and a plain fabric that an interior designer wants to use as wall paper. We love it when...

FabBond® (substrate bonding)- Custom Koozies
We received a fabric bonding project from a company who wanted to use the bonded fabric to create personalized koozies (insulated soft...

FabBond® - Costume Fabric for Radio City Spectacular
Something special has just hit the FabricBack warehouse, and it is starting to feel a lot like Christmas! We received am exciting project...