FabShield® - Clear Overlay Lamination on Beautiful Floral Fabric
We received this beautiful floral fabric this week that requires FabShield®, which is clear overlay lamination that adds protection to...
Alluring World of Silk ‘Heartstrings’
The allure of beautiful silks has been described by poets, transformed in epic costumes such as the luscious green silk dress worn in one...
Antique Vintage Burlap and Canvas Sacks Receive Soft Knit Backing and Protective Clear Film Overlay
To protect these pieces from spills and stains, we've applied FabShield. This process laminates a layer of clear plastic film to the ou
Beautiful knit backed silk pillows
Its beginning to look a lot like summer! A customer ordered these beautiful silk dupioni summer pillows. After cutting the fabric, we...
FabBack® and FabShield® - Spill Proof Custom Tablecloth
One of our favorite things about the services that we offer is that we get to work with designers who want to have custom items for the...
FabShield® + FabBack® - Custom Tablecloths
FabShield® is popularly used for table covers and upholstered furniture fabric as it provides a clear overlay lamination that protects...