Alluring World of Silk ‘Heartstrings’
The allure of beautiful silks has been described by poets, transformed in epic costumes such as the luscious green silk dress worn in one...
Fabric Laminating @FabricBack® is POSH!!
Get creative this fall with the infinite decorating possibilities Fabric Laminating has to offer your clients! The variety of modern...
The Wild Beauty of Horsehair Fabric Backing
The beauty and quality of Horsehair Fabrics captivated the textile industry since its beginnings in the middle of the eighteenth century....
Permanent Bonding of Spandex and Wafer Microfiber Fabrics
We were asked to engineer the perfect solution for adhering Spandex and Wafer Microfiber Fabric layers in a permanent lamination that would
Antique Vintage Burlap and Canvas Sacks Receive Soft Knit Backing and Protective Clear Film Overlay
To protect these pieces from spills and stains, we've applied FabShield. This process laminates a layer of clear plastic film to the ou
Wall Coverings Made from Natural Leather Cowhide or Leather Tiles
Covering a wall with leather can create a very warm and inviting space. It can also present interior designers with quite a challenge.
Knit Backing Applied to Delicate Chapas Woven Fabric for Fabulous Custom Upholstered Chairs
Delicate woven fabrics are simply stunning when used in the fabrication of custom upholstered furniture.
Elegant Fabric Covered Spray Atomizers Utilize FabBond® Layer Bonding
These spray atomizers are given a unique look by wrapping them in fabric, but the finished products were unacceptable due to wrinkles caused
FabBond® Layer Bonding Creates Crisp, Resilient Costume Fabric for The Radio City Rockettes
SUMMARY: The Radio City Rockettes needed special costume fabric for their wooden soldier costumes to be used in their Christmas...